Monday, April 9, 2012

Mother of Mini Cakes

I am finally reunited with my darling mother and in our total bliss, we bought adorably cute cake molds and decided to try them out. This is what happened:

Buckwheat Lemon-Poppy Mini Cakes

4 tablespoons poppy seeds
Juice of 2 lemons
1/2 cup brown (preferably molasses) sugar
2 vanilla sugars
2 cups buckwheat flour
1/2 cup kamut flour
1/2 cup goat milk
1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate soda (so it gets fluffy!)

This is all very much like making muffin dough, except without the muffin tops.

If you know what I mean...

Whisk together the eggs and sugars and then add the milk. Combine the rest of the ingredients in another bowl. Then mix them all together and scoop the batter into the cake molds. Bake for 25min at 180 C.

Once baked, you will most likely have to cut off the bottoms of the cakes, so that they will lay flat on your plate, because it can always get poofy.

This recipe is naturally dedicated to mom herself, the woman who taught me how to bake in the first place. Whenever I turn on the oven, I'm home.


  1. You guys are so gosh-darn cute!
    Picture #4 gave me motivation to try this, oh god.

  2. this is so, so lovely. also, the face you're making as alenka tries to kiss you is wonderful. and it all looks delicious.
